My challenge

Irina Konnova
2 min readJun 5, 2021

Hello there, folks. This is probably my first real post.

So a bit of a background. I am currently studying coding at Coder Academy bootcamp with aspiration to become a full stack developer. I am almost at the end of term 3 where I am supposed to understand concepts of JavaScript and React and just one more term to go and we graduate. And… here I am. NOT understanding those concepts. Not understanding JavaScript or React and actually doubting how good of a developer I am.

What shall I do? What I shall do quickly enough to understand something that is really difficult to comprehend and more importantly — use it in practice. Amount of information at the bootcamp is overwhelming and maybe the pace they teach us is too quick for me, so I definitely need someone else to explain it to me and maybe in a more dummy way.

So I have been reading and googling and decided to kick JavaScript and React in the bum in the following order (maybe not in that particular order, but that’s the list-to-do):

  1. Bought a course at Udemy by Jonas Schmedtmann on JavaScript. 17% completed so far so maybe I just need to continue and finally finish it. Have been struggling a bit with exercises and always not finishing those till the end. Frustrating.
  2. Found a crash course on @React by Brad Traversy on Youtube and it seems very doable — just below 2 hours. Might give it a go and see where it gets me.
  3. Bought another course on Udemy by Stephen Grider on React — need to start doing it but maybe I will give it a go after I finish Brad’s crash course with the hope that I will understand it more.
  4. I have been recommended to try a JavaScript course on The Odin Project and especially on testing and writing tests. That was something that I have been struggling a lot during my journey so hopefully that can be improved after I do that course as well.
  5. And I also found a course on freeCodeCamp on JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures which I probably actually start with as it might give me better understanding on all the logic behind coding (fingers crossed!).

I have seriously have no idea how to manage all those courses quickly enough so I can get a good understanding of JavaScript and React. I understand that I need to practice, practice and practice, but I have very limited time available upon my sleeve, however a future Hakathon and rebuilding my portfolio are coming up, so let’s get things started.

Let’s go.



Irina Konnova

Full Stack Developer in the making \\ Studying at Coder Academy \\ UX/UI Design \\ Coffee lover, mum and photographer